Flat Earth Response Videos

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Flat earther answers Bill Nye
5 February

my perspective Published on Feb 4, 2018

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Neil Degrasse Tyson vs Flat Earth Asshole
27 July


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Welcome the Southern stars to the flat earth
2 July

Jeranism This is a brand new find so it needs a lot more research and eyes but finally a demonstrable

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Tel-Aviv Globe Earth Curvature?
16 June

DEBUNKED as FRAUDULENT by TheMorgile  This is a video response, dedicated to Michelle Gentz & KC Patterson. The BackGround Music

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A response video to two self-admitted shills by Flat Earth Asshole
17 May

If this is the best top 10 there is – the round earth global believers are in DEEP trouble. In

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Flat Earth – Clinging to ignorance
13 April

A brief video message to John B. Wells – the last (and least) smart monkey.

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The Morgile responds to Glober’s arguments
6 December

The Morgile This video wouldn’t have been created could I have simply replied to specific comments on one of my

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Flat Earth Asshole vs. V-Sauce
2 December

This is my video rebuttal to V-Sauce’s attempt at debunking the Flat Earth Conspiracy. V-Sauce made a biased non-factual attack

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FE Debunk MEGA-Debunk
24 November

by The Morgile Happy ThanksGiving 2016 ~ This video should have been uploaded 3 days ago, but due to technical

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Flat Earth Truth Alert
23 November

by Subphotonic This is an excellent presentation – a down and dirty delivery of the balls out truth.  We have

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Flat Earth Asshole vs FisherOfMen
21 November

by Flat Earth Asshole Debunking The Debunkers This video is 100% Clean with No Cursing, It is Christian friendly, and

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Flat Earth Asshole vs. Koi Fresco
16 November

In this video you will see the typical “round” earth BS that is parroted by a moron who decided to

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Father Armoured Skeptic & The Bedford Level
29 October

by Jeranism This video is a response to a video that the artist formerly known as Armoured Skeptic made which

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Top 10 LAME Reasons Show Earth is NOT Round!
25 October

by Mr. Thrive & Survive If this is the best top 10 there is – the round earth global believers

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