The “NO” campaign is a peaceful world-wide grass roots movement. All you need to do to participate is click the picture below to print it out and hang it in your window where it can easily be seen from the outside.
If you wish to participate further, take a photograph of this poster hanging in your window or better still, one you’ve seen in somebody else’s window and post it onto your social media and simply ask if anyone else has seen one. You’ll be surprised at how many will soon begin popping up….
That’s all you need to do to make a difference.
(scroll down to the bottom of the page to print out the poster….but we strongly suggest and highly recommend you keep reading before you do)
This lock-down, pandemic scare, war on oil, economic collapse, martial law, forced vaccinations, flight cancellations and travel restrictions are all ONE orchestrated event to usher in the United Nations Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, also known as the New World Order.
The desired outcome of these Agendas is the complete re-structuring of society as we know it. The following list is the UN’s published stated goals. Which of these will directly affect you, your family, your friends and community?

How many of the above will directly impact YOUR lives in a negative way?
Click the document below to read the full document from the UN website yourself.
Does this sound like the kind of world you want for yourself and your children? Because that is EXACTLY what kind of world you are going to be living in, IF we allow this lock-down to continue.
This is exactly what the “NO” campaign stands against!
A piece of paper, a piece of sellotape and 10 minutes of your time is all it takes. If you agree that this lock-down is unnecessary and is doing more harm than good, then it is your right as a human being to say NO. I do not consent.
You can put anything you like in your own window, and collectively our windows will become the worlds largest social media platform.
In this inter-connected world we live in, the word “NO” is universally well known, no matter what language you speak. Thank you google translate 🙂
In war torn countries and under curfews, the population and the resistance used this technique with great success, as a very effective way of relaying messages, sometimes right across the country.
Start your own FB, Twitter, instagram page etc. and start posting pictures of the posters you have seen. When this campaign takes off…so will your traffic.
As you can see by this pictures below, the poster is clearly visible and instantly recognisable from a long way away….
As data becomes available we will be setting up an interactive world map so you can track the progress of the campaign.
If you want to participate then just scroll down to the bottom of the page and print out the poster. If you want to find out more about the virus, it’s impact on the world, Agenda’s 21 and 20/30, then keep reading….
Below you will find a treasure trove of information from Doctors, Medical Professionals, eminent Scientists and experts in the field of virology, infectious diseases, and many many more people in various scientific or medical fields, all saying the same thing…
This “crisis” is being blown up out of all proportion!
It’s time people, it’s time to join the silent rebellion.
God Speed
BTW This campaign is not monetized.

the Kissinger report 1974:
Pasteur, Plagiarist, Imposter pdf:
Fasting and Man’s Correct Diet R.B. Pearson:
Annie Logical, Pandemic Bonds and World Bank:
Dr Stefan Lanka, Virologist, Microbiologist, HIV Hoax:
You cannot Catch Bugs, Pasteur Debunked:
Aajonus Vonderplanitz full Transcript, Superhuman Radio:

Pinbright Institute 2015 Coronavirus patent
Annie logial Website:
Somatid Cycles Gaston:
Anne’s 5G story:
Library of Congress mandatory vaccines December 2019 China
Zachary K Hubbard Gematria:
Dr Amandha Vollmer Yummy Mummy Emporium:

Dr. Amandha Vollmer: PCR Tests are Magic show Junk science
Dr. Eleanora McBean The Poison Needle
Dr. Eleanora McBean: Spanish Flu Public vaccination 1918:
Dr Thomas Cowan MD Coronavirus caused by 5G
The Invisible Rainbow Aurthur Firstenberg
Electromagnetic Pollution and it’s key role in the coming population reduction:
John Rappaport two Corona deaths In Bologna:
Dr. Howard B Urnovitz, Phd

Thomas Cohen MD Sayir Ji
Gregory Mannarino Financial collapse:
Gregory Mannarino, financial expert on Spiro Skouras
Amandha Vollmer Viruses explained: 3 hour Globebusters podcast:
Alan Watt Agenda 21:
If you click the picture below it will open in a new window. You will have to screenshot the image before you print it. Here’s how you do it….
On a windows PC

On a Mac

If you haven’t got access to a printer then here’s one my 10 year old daughter made. If she can do it……

(We’re working on improving the print function, we’ve only had 3 days to set this up so please bear with us.)
Yours Sincerely
This campaign is not monetised but we do have running costs. If you would like to donate to the cause that would be very much appreciated BUT…if you’re like us and living paycheck to paycheck then please take care of your family and loved ones first. Our Paypal link is below.
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