Celestial Perspective Experiment Shows Why The Sun Doesn’t Shrink to a Dot

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Celestial Perspective Experiment Shows Why The Sun Doesn’t Shrink to a Dot

by P-Brane
 I show, that the higher the object is, going away from you parallel to the ground, the less and less it shrinks relative to its starting size. Ball Earther’s, watch and weep.

Here’s a little added bonus, pertinent to this video.

Another thing is, this video experiment also debunks this notion, that the sun would speed up as it goes overhead and slow down as it approaches the horizon. Well the fact we visually experience the suns movement like this / . \ with the dot being the observer, also explains why the sun DOES NOT appear to speed up as it goes overhead as many ball earthers have asserted.

A train on the track WOULD appear to whiz by you and slow down as it recedes into the distance, but as I’ve shown in this video, if you move far enough away from the train track, the train would be moving more perpendicular to the observer and the observer would see the train moving at a steady speed, moving more (left to right) than (towards and away). : )


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