Flat Earth FAQ’s

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NASA’s Gemini 4 DESTROYED & Exposed By Some Guy At Home In His Underwear
27 March

NASA’s Gemini 4 DESTROYED & Exposed By Some Guy At Home In His Underwear  

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35 Questions in 35 Minutes
17 February

35 Questions in 35 Minutes TruthCenter has just released this excellent concise but comprehensive Flat Earth F.A.Q. which makes for

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Are We Seeing the Sun in the Distance?
20 April

This is mirrored from YouTub’r “bolidoxUCM“. This is a video of a weather balloon shot at night time. In the

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Flat Earth F.A.Q.
26 November

How “Science“ has become a religion The Official Story  According to Mainstream SCIENCE Fourteen point Seven Billion Years ago (14.7

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A Stranger’s Guide to Flat Earth | 21 Questions and Answers (Proving The Earth Is Flat) ▶️️
30 July

O.D.D. T.V. A Strangers Guide to the Flat Earth | A comprehensive beginners course that thoroughly explains the answers to

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Anti Crepuscular Sun Rays are KEY to Southern Star Rotation
3 July

A presentation by P-Brane This video attempts to show a correlation between ANTI CREPUSCULAR SUN RAYS and a CLOCKWISE SOUTHERN

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Question: If the earth was flat how would the sun set?
24 May

Answer: The sun is close and disappears from the bottom up as it moves away behind the false horizon which

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Earth is a circle, not a ball
12 March

The horizon is flat & thin This video will attempt to show, that boats going over the horizon and disappearing

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What other crap are they pulling on us?
6 March

Answer: How much time do you have? Start here. Government Secrets & Big Hoaxes Flat Earth by ODD TV Learning

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Flat Earth – Why Lie?
16 February


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Question: How do you explain time zones, different seasons, changing star constellations, gravity and the tides?
1 February

Youtube’r Stinky Cash addresses all of these questions and far more in a response video to Zachary K. Hubbard’s questions.

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Presentation at the New Horizons 2016 conference
1 February

MUST WATCH! Darren Nesbit live @ New Horizons Saint Anne, Lancashire, England. January 25th 2016. Darren Nesbit delves deeply into

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A 30 second video asking a legitimate question
27 January

 What’s with the ISS and the lack of stars?  Why is it that we don’t see any stars in the

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Question: Don’t we know the earth is a ball because many people have sailed around it and millions fly around it every year?
26 January

Answer: People have only circumnavigated the earth traveling east and returning to their start point or traveling West and returning

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Flat Earth – Perspective and horizons explained
11 January

Stinky Cash YouTuber Stinky Cash explains the phenomenon of perspective on our flat earth plane.

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Why would they lie to us about the shape of the earth?
23 November

Answer: To control our minds by creating a paradigm of scarcity and separation. This is a re-upload of a video

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The Most Undeniable Proof!
11 November

Of the Flat Earth Sun Remember how they taught us that the sun RISE and FALL on the “curved” horizon? 

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