A presentation by P-Brane This video attempts to show a correlation between ANTI CREPUSCULAR SUN RAYS and a CLOCKWISE SOUTHERN
The Orlando Gay Club mass shooting was nothing more than a fake media production. Take the time and look at
First Close Up Video of Boston Bombing Victims Jeff Bauman, Krystle Campbell, Karen Rand
To even ask that question shows the extent of the Brainwashing Please view the video below, illustrating that the Sun
Answer: The sun is close and disappears from the bottom up as it moves away behind the false horizon which
by ODD Reality Uploaded by ODD TV https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzSm… http://lroc.sese.asu.edu/ http://lroc.sese.asu.edu/posts/895 I’m not sure about anything anymore, but chem trails are
with Allegedly Dave Allegedly Dave appearing on Macedonian National Television speaking about Flat Earth on “Late Night with Milenko”. This
One of the faces of the Boston Hoaxathon Firecracker is Rebekah Gregory. Even though she got married not long after
A Boston Survivor, which really means TREASONOUS CRISIS ACTING FRAUD, has been killed in a car crash in Dubai. Victoria